Home » Accessori e Lattonerie » Gronda aperta coppo / penta
Each of our accessories is made to create continuity with all our products. In fact we keep the same materials, the same color, the same finish so that we always give you the same quality.
In addition to our standard range of accessories, we offer a customization service based on our customers’ needs. All you need to do is tell us the design with the project requirements, and we will find the best solution to fully meet them.
Fill out the form to be contacted by one of our engineers to understand your needs.
Strada Provinciale Bonifica del Tronto Km.13,500
64010 Ancarano (TE)
TEL: +39.0861.72021
FAKS: +39.0861.870078
EMAIL: info@italpannelli.it
Certificirana e-pošta: italpannellisrl@pec.it
© 2023 ITALPANNELLI SRL | PDV BROJ: IT 00790200679 | Društveni kapital€ 6.000.000 | REA: TE-96058